Tuning In
The elementals are calling out for our attention... do you hear them?!
... the Fires roaring on the West Coast, the Waters and Winds pounding on the East Coast, the Earth's soils across the globe going silent.
It's inevitable that it all is moving through our inner world no matter where we may be experiencing them.
How are you?
Nature is one way we are seemingly being called to awaken; and She is present, consistent and layered with healing. I find that connecting in with Her cycles is a potent touch point for me to pause in, during swiftly shifting moments in my life.
Today at 4am PT we had the New Moon in Virgo. A time for planting seeds of that which we would like to create within this next 28 day cycle. And next week marks the beginning of the change of seasons with the Autumnal Equinox heralding in on September 22. A time for cleansing and releasing as we deepen in our annual journey into the darkness of Winter.
Community care is the new self care. Stay connected with those people and activities that ground, center, support, and inspire you!
And, if you are desiring a guide to take you deeper into your inner experience, I invite you to explore my offering of an Inner Wisdom Journeys session.
In love and service to your wellbeing,