
... the nights lengthen and the weather cools, beckoning us to turn inwards and quiet ourselves. Simultaneously, the festivities of the impending holiday season entice us out.  This juxtaposition tends to create imbalance.

I recently read two affirmations:

"I am stressed." 
"I am under Divine pressure because I am birthing something great."

Same same.  Yet.  Different.

I am curious... how do you feel when you say those affirmations?

And, do you realize that the first IS an affirmation!? ... as we 'affirm' that which we think and say, especially when we repeat it.

We create our reality with our thoughts and words.

It's a choice.

What is your narrative?
What are you choosing to create?

Bringing awareness to our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions provides us with an opportunity to make conscious choices with how we would like to proceed.  With inner pause and reflection, we can make this choice in each and every moment.  Fine tuning our direction.

Personally, as of late, my awareness has been focused on the state of our environment; more specifically our inner and external soils.  And, in consciously choosing inspiration over frustration...

My soul is ignited by the concept of regeneration; and the opportunities we have to create thriving environments rooted in our body's innate healing abilities and Nature's capacity to bring Herself into balance.

I am especially grateful to be aligned with a company, who has at its heart, owners/executives who are committed to current and ever evolving regenerative practices; many of which are exemplified in their sourcing initiatives and their nonprofit foundation.  And through this alliance, I feel blessed to support others in being empowered to engage with nature's gifts to complement their body's innate healing.

And to expand my greater awareness, I am journeying into the depths and darkness of our outer soils to learn how to regenerate them, with a nonprofit organization.  I am excited for how this will evolve within me personally, and the resulting rippling effects locally and globally.

What is inspiring you from your inner explorations these days?

Wishing you many blessings as you journey within...




Tuning In